Our Story

It is a story of the usual - to provide, to love and to venture. 

The Dream

Hello, I'm Luke, the founder of Huke Coffee, and I am a life-long coffee enthusiast!
For me, not a single day has gone by without a good coffee, and not a city or town is travelled until a local cafe gem is visited.  To me, a cup of coffee in hand means so much more: it is a dose of comfort, the strength to carry on, and most importantly, a source of happiness.  So having my own coffee business to taste and share great coffees has become the dream.  

The Beginning

In 2022, my partner unexpectedly had a stroke in his early 30s.  Facing spiralling living costs along with a loss of income from my partner - who was the breadwinner, I increasingly felt the pressure on my shoulders.

With a determination to provide for our little home, on the first snowy night in London in 2022Huke Coffee was born.  

The Good Cause

Having witnessed how stroke has impacted on the mental health of the survivor and the loved ones, I felt compelled to help others who are battling with mental health issues. Hence, we are committing 10% of profits from our subscription business to help those individuals in need in our local and wider communities.  

The Mission

A cup of coffee may be the most ordinary product that everyone can have access to, and I believe so should good mental health. For every bag of coffee that you purchase from us, you are empowering me to do a little bit of good for those in need, and to put a smile on a face. 

May Huke Coffee bring you and everyone the taste of Joy and Kindness

What About Your Story?

Whether you are going through a difficult time, are aware of someone who does, or have words of encouragement to share after coming out the other end, we'd be grateful to hear your story.

Connect us with the individuals in need and empower us to put a smile on someone's face.

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